Discovering New Places & Where too Next

IMG_4297Since I was younger I always enjoyed visiting new places. The first place I have ever traveled was New Hampshire. New Hampshire is so beautiful and the air seems to fresh. I was very young the first time I went there so I don’t remember too much other than playing in rivers and grilling over a fire. I have been back many times since and have even hiked down Cannon Mountain. (which if you don’t know how big it is, it took 5 hours to hike down). Next winter or sometime in my life I would like to try skiing down Loon Mountain or even snowboarding. I have never done either of those activities before and that for sure is on my bucket list.

The second place I had ever traveled was Florida around the age of 3. Of course Disney World was the main destination. Luckily I have an Uncle that lives in Orlando so it was always cheap for me to go and visit. From florida I have also visited the Bahamas on a three day cruise. They have a cruise port in tampa that has multiple destinations you can cruise too. I enjoyed the Bahamas because it was super warm and at the time I was under 21 so I was able to drink on the island with no problem but not on the boat. I do hope to go back someday and do more searching around and learn more about the island.

After I experienced Florida and cruises to the Bahamas I traveled to California. California was beautiful and had probably some of the best weather I have experienced. The main stop was San Diego but traveled to L.A to go to Hollywood Studios. You could tell people from there were very relaxed and just enjoyed living there. The beaches were so clean and nice in San Diego with many boardwalks to enjoy the view. I am very thankful for this experience because it was actually with a physical fitness team at my high school. We did have to pay for it but I’m glad I had the opportunity.

I have also visited a few tropical places where I was so excited to learn about the cultures. St. Thomas, St. John, Bermuda, Mexico and Dominican Republic are to name a few. Mexico had such an interesting culture. The Mayan ruins also known as chichen itza really intrigued me because of their strong belief in gods. Everything that did was for the gods, by the gods. I found that super interesting because I have never been indulged in a society like that. Of course the Mayan Ruins were from thousands of years ago, but it was nice to see that the locals still hold some of the same values in modern day.

From traveling I have found a love for exploration. In my travel future I would love to visit Europe and the middle east. I do not know much about their culture and am intrigued to learn. Vacations can be expensive but in return you get an experience that you will have for the rest of your life. I believe it is really important to place your self into societies that you are not used to. It really makes you feel small in this big world, but the knowledge you get from traveling and seeing the unknown is priceless.
